
Voicing Your Needs to Men: Communication Frameworks for Refined, Feminine Women

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Voicing Your Needs to Men: Communication Frameworks for Refined, Feminine Women


This 12-page guide by @mythic.feminine is for women who desire to:

  • embody the skill of cleanly & clearly voicing their needs to men
  • evoke & inspire men into action towards meeting their rightful needs
  • become the vessel for and recipient of deeply devotional love

"Voicing Your Needs to Men: Communication Frameworks for Refined, Feminine Women with Rightful Needs" includes 2 communication frameworks for easily and gracefully sharing your needs with men, plus a bonus framework for addressing the elephant in the room: when a man doesn't know if or how to help meet your need.

Skill Level 1 (for cleanly communicating your needs with men everywhere, in everyday life)

Voicing needs you can (feasibly) meet yourself, but would PREFER his help with.

Skill Level 2 (for cleanly communicating your needs within your partnership)

Voicing needs you CANNOT meet yourself, and actually need your man's help with.


What to do when he "doesn't know" if he's willing or able to help you meet your need.

...And a special invitation to the Voicing Your Needs Masterclass, which includes a key teaching on the 'Shadows of Feminine Devotion'.

It is my prayer that this guide to voicing your needs to men is supportive of all your interactions with men -- even beyond a dating or partnership context.

And that your awareness of these communications frameworks brings you back into sovereignty, clarity, and potency on your journey into sacred union, or as you deepen in your union.

Thank you for taking time to sit with yourself, and devote or re-devote yourself to this path of inner union and union with men.

It is my honor to serve however I am able, and it is my prayer that what good you receive from this guide, may it ripple out far beyond you...

May this offering be in the highest service for all sentient beings everywhere, across all timelines.

Ginger (@mythic.feminine)

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